Thursday, November 8, 2012

Pre-apprentice Falconer

I keep telling my family and friends about what I'm doing as I prepare to become a falconer, and many have suggested this as a way to show them.

I actually became interested in falconry after having read " My Side of the Mountain" in sixth grade. After multiple resurgences and re-evaluations every few years, I finally felt I was in the right time and place. With family support, a stable job, and a great location near farms, open areas, and water, I'm ready to start.

I've read many, many books and publications, researched websites and online forums, and most importantly spoke with several experienced falconers.

I intend to keep this simple and straight forward in presentation, primarily because I want to avoid it becoming too much for me to keep up with it. But please do ask questions.


P.S. Takagari was a Japanese term for falconer including those of the Samurai class.

1 comment:

  1. Good job so far Takagari! Let's see some stuff on the new, simpler trap.
